March 2024 – Final Fantasy Adventure (1991)

March 1st, baby! My Neo Geo Pocket Color horoscope for the day was ALL FIVE STARS so I’ve got a good feeling about this month and this month’s game! We’re doing Final Fantasy Adventure! A game I’ve actually played before… and beaten! All you folks love that Final-est of Fantasies so we’re beg- asking you kindly to please pick it up and play along with us this month! It’s a solid Zelda-like that is actually the first entry in the Seiken Densetsu or Secret of Mana series. If you’re familiar with that game, you’ll notice some small things that began right here. Here’s Rick stepping out of the back room to tell you a little more:
A couple of years ago I spent $30 on a copy of this game. I always thought it looked cool and I wanted to play it. I put it in my GBA SP, played it for a whopping five minutes and put it in a box with a bunch of other Game Boy games that have had less than ten minutes of game play. All you dorks know that situation!

I finally splurged and bought a Game Boy-like device for my gigantic 41 year old hands. It was decided that it was finally time to give Final Fantasy Adventure a proper whirl. I’ve been playing it for a couple of weeks and wished I had other people to discuss it with. That’s when I remembered I co-ran a Game Boy game-of-the-month collective (We just hate the exclusivity of the word “club”)! I can basically push the initiative for other people to talk about the game I’m playing. Hell, that’s why we started it!

Originally I thought it just had the Final Fantasy brand slapped onto it. Which is a series of games I am guilty of never playing. But while playing FFA I noticed they mentioned Chocobos and that little white winged fellow shows up at some point.

The games fun but a bit clunky. You can die pretty quick if you get hit just the right way by a boss. And you can be absolutely eff’d if you enter a cave or dungeon without any mattocks. And you will scream at the screen when an NPC is blocking doorway and will continue saying the same sentence over and over again. Hot tip, just walk out of the screen and come back and that character will have spawned in another spot. Some highlights are that you can also save anywhere (And you should do that often) and all the enemies are adorable.

So yeah, do your old buddy Rick a favor and talk to me in our discord about this game. And hey, I’m currently listening to Minutemen’s – Double Nickels on the Dime for the first time. If anybody wants to talk about that with me as well, that would be cool.
This is a fun one, buckeroos! We hope you enjoy it.


Snow Brothers Jr Comic Translation by Eric Lappe & Rick V.

Inside the Japanese version of the Snow Brothers Jr. manual, there is an adorable comic strip. Purely for fun and practice, Eric translated it and I wrote in the proper text. Note that I had to adjust some of the text to make it fit in the word balloons. And we have no idea who Hot-Hot II is. I kind of just made up the name from the translation of Hot Hot 2nd Generation. Enjoy!

Read it from top-right to bottom-left.

Rick V helps maintain the Yokoi Kids, draws cartoons and does punk things. Check him out.

Eric Lappe is learning Japanese and is patiently waiting for someone to play Ghosts n’ Goblins with. Check him out on Youtube Land.