September 2023: Milon’s Secret Castle (1993)

It’s September and I always get just a touch depressed during this month! A part of my brain still registers it as “back to school season” and that’s just an awful time to be a kid What better way to get through it than with a NEW GAME BOY GAME and your pals the Yokoi Kids!

Once again the boys in the back room have had to come up with this month’s title so let me take this moment to remind you, also a Yokoi Kid, to make some contributions so you too can pick a game! Give us a break!

We’ve chosen Milon’s Secret Castle this month. I’ve messed around with the NES game a bit, but never really put a whole lot of time into learning its weirdness. It’s definitely considered a vague and obtuse game and frankly, I’d rather play that on a portable system where I’m not passing the frustration on to other viewers.

Pick it up and give it a whirl! Can we figure this one out? If not, at least we’ll have discount school supplies to look forward to, if you’re into that stuff. -IF